Sunday, May 11, 2008

I love Mother's Day!
I love being a Mommy (even Nikita still calls me that , sometimes).
I love the little handmade cards and crayon-drawn pictures.
I love the Primary children singing "Mother, I Love You, Mother, I Do. . ." I cry every time.
I had a very nice Mother's Day today. Everyone wanted to snuggle with me before I got up (even though that meant I couldn't get up when I wanted to). The kids all wanted to sit by me in church. They all wanted me to open their card first.
And we had a beautiful day, too. We had a nice relaxing dinner in the back yard under the tree. And now the kids are all in bed, and Jim is in the kitchen cleaning up.
I'm so glad that I've been blessed to be a mother to my beautiful, happy children. And I can't wait until I get to graduate to a Grandma. Of course, that's quite a ways off. I'm going to enjoy all the years I have left with my children at home, fighting to sit by me at church and wanting to snuggle in bed with me, and singing "Mother, I Love You. . ."

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